Other Chemicals

Other chemicals are various chemicals that are used as additives in water filters and contribute to water purification processes.

1. Other chemicals

Other chemicals are various chemicals that are used as additives in water filters and contribute to water purification processes. These chemicals include phosphates to prevent scaling caused by hard water, phosphonates to prevent corrosion on metal surfaces, pH adjusters to adjust water pH, solvents to remove scale and mineral deposits, biocides to prevent algae, algae inhibitors and many others. can be. ingredients. Each chemical is selected for different water sources and needs.

2. Its Importance in Water Treatment Processes:

Other chemicals play an important role in water treatment processes. Phosphates and phosphonates prevent scaling and corrosion, improve performance and extend filter life. pH regulators adjust the pH level of water, preventing it from becoming acidic or alkaline, thus protecting water quality. Solvents improve the efficiency of filters by dissolving lime and mineral deposits that form on the filters. Anti-algae biocides and algae inhibitors prevent the formation of algae and algae that can occur in filters, thus contributing to clean and clear water.

3. Aqualink solutions supported by other chemicals:

At Aqualink, we offer our customers solutions supported by other chemicals suitable for a variety of water treatment needs. We have products made from various chemical components for efficient operation of water filters and protection of water quality. We emphasize to our customers the importance and uses of other chemicals in water treatment processes to contribute to clean and healthy water resources.