Chemicals For New Systems' Start-Up Pre-Treatment

Chemicals for new systems' start-up pre-treatment

1. Chlorine and ozone for disinfection:

When installing a new water system, it is important to clean the water from microorganisms. Chlorine and ozone are chemicals used in water disinfection. While chlorine cleans water from bacteria and viruses, ozone disinfects water naturally and safely. Aqualink provides effective water disinfection with chlorine and ozone dosing devices.

2. Water balancers and PH regulators:

When adding water to a new water system, it is important to balance the water and adjust the pH level. Aqualink offers special chemicals that balance the minerals and pH level of the water. This ensures that the minerals in the water remain at the appropriate level and supports the longevity of the water systems.

3. Corrosion inhibitors:

Where metal pipes are used, water systems can be subject to corrosion. Corrosion inhibitors prevent corrosion by protecting metal pipes. Aqualink prevents corrosion by controlling minerals in water and protecting metal surfaces.

4. Water purifiers and filtration chemicals:

Water treatment is important in the development of new water systems. Aqualink offers specialty water purifiers and filtration chemicals to remove solid particles and organic matter from water. In this way, it ensures that your water systems work with clean and healthy water.