Activated Carbon minerals

Activated Carbon minerals

I. What is Activated Carbon?

Activated carbon is a natural substance used to remove organic matter and some chemicals from water. Due to its particularly porous structure, it has a large surface area and cleans water by absorbing various pollutants.

II. How activated carbon filters work

Active carbon filters work on the principle of adsorption. Activated carbon in the filter adsorbs organic matter, chlorine, odor and taste, chemical pollutants and some heavy metals as it passes through the water. In this way, it helps to purify water and make it of better quality.

III. Advantages of activated carbon filters

1. Odor and Taste Removal: Activated carbon filters help remove odor and taste-causing substances from water, resulting in a tastier and cleaner drinking water.

2. Chemical Contaminant Removal: Activated carbon filters help remove chemical contaminants such as chlorine from water, making the water safer and healthier.

3. Adsorption of Organic Matter: Activated carbon filters contribute to the natural purification of water by adsorbing organic matter in water.

4. Effective and Economical: Activated carbon filters are an effective and economical solution in water treatment processes. It is very easy to maintain and use thanks to its easily replaceable cartridges.

IV. What should be considered when choosing active carbon filters?

1. Compatible Filter Cartridges: Using activated carbon filters with compatible filter cartridges helps the filters perform at their maximum.

2. Filter life: The life of filters can vary depending on the type of filter cartridges and conditions of use. Regular maintenance is important with filter life in mind.

3. Certificates and Quality Certificate: When buying active carbon filters, it is important to pay attention to certificates and quality documents confirming the product's compliance with international standards.

Activated carbon filters contribute to the natural purification of water as an effective and powerful tool in water purification processes. Effective in cleaning water from odor, taste and chemical contaminants, these filters are an important tool for obtaining cleaner, tastier and healthier drinking water. At Aqualink, we offer our customers the highest quality and most effective activated carbon filters.