The dangerous pool that killed us

The dangerous pool that killed us

Swimming in the pool raises the mood not only of children, but also of adults. We believe that we exercise, do physical sports and there is no reason to worry about our health. Is it really so?

Safe disinfection of water in pools should be carried out without endangering visitors. You have probably encountered problems such as hair loss, dry skin, and red eyes after going to the pool. In fact, these are small things, we will tell you more about the more dangerous facts in this article.

Some swimming pools still use outdated means and do not apply new, innovative technologies in the field of water disinfection. Traditional disinfection is based on the addition of chlorine to pool water. Experts say the exact opposite about chlorine, which used to be considered 100% safe. Currently, it has been proven that disinfection with chlorine-containing substances poses a serious threat to people's health.

These negative effects are caused by the properties of the chlorine molecule, as well as the dangerous compounds that appear during its reaction with organic substances. In fact, as a result of chlorine dissolving in water, hypochlorous acid is formed, and this substitution reaction causes the chlorine molecule to combine with the molecules of other substances to form another dangerous substance.

As a result of this reaction, visible and invisible chloramines, chloroform, trichloromethane, mutagen X, carbon tetrachloride and many other dangerous compounds are formed. This, in turn, has a very negative effect on the human body, internal organs, especially the developing child's body.

Water contaminated with chlorine compounds resulting from the reaction leads to many diseases, including pneumonia, gastritis, liver diseases, mucous membrane, heart and oncological diseases.

Most of these compounds enter your body through the mouth, nose, and skin when in water. In most cases, the amount of toxic substances entering the body can be very critical.

The next negative factor is the low disinfection ability of chlorine. Any person who comes to the pool, even with a health certificate, cannot guarantee that he is not a carrier of dangerous diseases, various viral and fungal diseases.

Many microorganisms develop resistance to chlorine-type disinfectants after a while. Chlorine-containing drugs are completely useless in the fight against fungi, hepatitis B, legionella, Cryptosporodia, Giardia, Protozoa and others.

Surely you have seen a pool with slippery walls. This is the biofilm layer, a polysaccharide layer with mineral deposits. In it, all colonies of microorganisms actively develop, and the biofilm serves as a kind of protective shield against disinfectants. The number of microorganisms in biofilm is 1000 times higher than in water. Experiments show that chlorine-based disinfectants cannot destroy biofilm and are incapable of preventing algae.

Adverse effects of chlorine-based technology for pool water disinfection:

It irritates the respiratory system

It causes pain and redness in the eyes

Skin reaction (allergy, rash, itching, dryness, redness)

It has a negative effect on the structure of the hair

It forms additional substances that are the source of dangerous diseases

Along with spore-forming bacteria and fungi, some pathogens are not destroyed

Microorganisms develop protective functions and develop immunity

Since chlorine-containing substances are affected by the pH value of water, it is necessary to use a pH regulator

It is completely ineffective against biofilm and algae

By visiting swimming pools where disinfection is carried out with chlorine-containing substances, we unconsciously but voluntarily harm our health with our own money. Fortunately, the progress of new technologies does not stop. New technologies are replacing these old methods. We will tell you more about it in our next article "Safe and healthy swimming pool".