How to choose a water filtration system(s): according to everyone's individual needs

Cleaning of drinking water is carried out with the aim of removing physical and harmful chemical additives, disease-causing microorganisms. In addition, other positive qualities are obtained during water purification: softening of water, improvement of organoleptic properties, reduction of salt content and iron level. However, the composition of water differs in different places, which affects the order and volume of necessary cleaning procedures. For these reasons, a number of important factors should be taken into account when choosing a water purification method (water filters).

In apartments with centralized water supply, water enters after preliminary water preparation and filtration, and the purity and suitability of this water is evaluated according to four indicators:

Physical - degree of turbidity

Chemical - content of cod, salt and some trace elements

Organoleptic — color, smell and taste qualities

Sanitary - bacteriological - absence of harmful microorganisms

However, even professional water filtration equipment (water filters, water filters) used by water treatment plants cannot provide sufficient water purity. The point is that after primary treatment, water passes through water transmission networks, which are sometimes not changed for many years, before reaching the final consumer. During this time, salts and chemical additives accumulate on the walls of the pipes, which have a negative effect on the water content. Therefore, it is recommended to install an additional water filtration system in the kitchen, dishwashers, cooking and drinking water.

This is due to external factors as well as the level of sedimentation and the degree of natural mineralization. Many prefer to buy bottled drinking water instead of water filtration. But this method is quite expensive and does not solve the problem of water supply related to technical needs such as heating system, washing machine, cleaning and hygienic procedures.

  Taking into account the above-mentioned cases, the choice of drinking water filtration system (water filters, water filters) should be approached individually. It is necessary to analyze the characteristics of the lake and groundwater in your area, as well as to correctly determine the construction and water filtration device considered for water filtration. The choice of water filtration system often depends on the advantages of individual types of water purification modules.


Types of water filtration systems (water filters, water filters).

Modern equipment for water filtration - differs in its structural features, type and degree of water filtration, as well as the number of cleaning stages. Water purifiers are often installed with three stages of purification.

  Mechanical filtration of water: At this stage, foreign bodies such as sand, rust, and silt are removed. For this, a system consisting of a polypropylene filter or kapron cord, carbon filter and polypropylene cartridge is used. 

Purification of water by ion exchange: As a result, water softens, which makes the water suitable for washing and drinking.

  Removal of chlorine and organic compounds: This process is carried out by means of activated carbon, resulting in improved taste, smell and color of water.

In order to improve the quality of water, additional filtration and neutralization steps are used. For example, water filtration with a reverse osmosis membrane. As a result of this method, it is possible to achieve 99% purity of water. This step is used in a complex way. Before that, ultrafiltration cartridges based on modified polyethersulfone (PES) are often installed, with the aim of protecting the reverse osmosis membrane and extending the service life of the membrane, and after that - mineralizers, which are used to enrich the water with important micro- and macroelements.


Widely used filtration systems

Glass filters

These are desktop devices and, depending on the quality of the water, they can purify up to 450 liters of water without changing the cartridge. Activated charcoal, ion-exchange resin, polypropylene fiber in the form of sand, pressed or baked are used as filtering components. The downsides of home water filtration with this device are the low degree of purification and the need to change the filter frequently

Hard and primitive cleaning filters

  It is installed directly inside the pipes and is designed to clean water from large objects such as dirt, sand and rust. These filters protect the water pipe, structural elements of household appliances from contamination, extend the life of main filtration systems. Filters of this type should be installed at the place where the water comes out of the well or in summer houses.

Reverse osmosis systems

  These devices are now widely used around the world. It is multi-stage and is used to purify water from excess additives.

Water filtration by reverse osmosis is carried out in several stages:

Cleaning from large objects and chlorine

Membrane filtration - to capture water molecules

Filling the storage container

Water intake from a special faucet


Such water filtration systems (water filters, water filters) are often installed at the bottom of the test by installing an additional faucet. The advantage of such devices is the maximum degree of purification that other filters cannot achieve. The negative side is the removal of useful minerals from the water, which also affects the taste of the water. For this reason, such filters are used together with mineralizers.

The most perfect water filtration system (water filters, water filters) is individual for everyone. For some, it is enough to install a standard three-stage purification, while others are accustomed to using a reverse osmosis filter, and then filling the water with the necessary minerals. However, when installing a filtration system, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the water in a particular area, as it may need to be heavily cleaned of high iron content or large bodies of soil or clay.