Water purification filters: from ancient times to the present day (water filters)
Water not only gives life, but it can slowly destroy it by causing many diseases. This feature of water was well known to our ancestors, and in the tales of various peoples, there are many plots where the name of "water of life" and "water of death" that give eternal life is mentioned. Since ancient times, people have invented various methods to purify this precious liquid from all possible impurities.
The first water purification filters consisted of holes dug near water wells. The water percolating through the soil layers became cleaner and clearer. In the past, the use of silverware was not a sign of grandeur, it was a necessity for our ancestors who suffered from epidemics of cholera, plague and other deadly diseases. So, the disinfectant properties of that metal were known even then. However, regular use of silver-ionized water led to negative results. So, silver accumulated in the body. An excess of silver argyria led to a disease accompanied by a change in the color of the skin to a pale blue shade. Perhaps, the concept of "blue blood" attributed to the nobility was born in this way, and later it became common. Because simple people did not use silverware.
Metal impurities in water really lead to negative consequences for human health. It is enough to remember the bitter experience of the Romans. It is well known that one of the causes of the fall of the great Roman Empire was lead. Pipes made of lead were the basis of the aqueduct system developed by ancient engineers. The water flowing through those pipes was enriched with heavy metals accumulated in organisms. Due to systematic poisoning, patricians lived an average of 25 years.
Attempts to improve the quality of life have always prompted people to make various discoveries. Primitive water purification methods have been replaced by more sophisticated methods over time. Finally, in the 19th century, they learned to disinfect water with chlorine. In the present era, when science is developing and scientists are studying the consequences of chlorine's effects on the human body, it has become clear that we are actually at the bottom again. Just like the ancient Romans, we have been using chlorine-poisoned water for years, putting us at risk of developing various diseases in the body.
Centuries later, we still suffer from foreign impurities in water – bacteria, heavy metals, excessive amounts of hardness salts and chlorine that permeate the human body and increasingly destabilize it. However, there is already a solution to this problem, which has its roots in ancient times. The use of modern water purification filters neutralizes all negative factors, makes water safe and meets drinking standards. By making friends with convenient portable filters or installing a reverse osmosis system, it is possible not only to avoid dangerous diseases, but also to restore health. Regularly drinking purified water improves the mood of people with stones in their internal organs, gets rid of pain, and over time, disturbed metabolism can be restored.
Water purification filters are a revolutionary solution that takes life to a new, higher quality level. Water is life, and today people can not only prolong their life by making water crystal clear, but also have a chance to live healthy until old age.