Polishing, reuse and disinfection

Polishing, reuse and disinfection

Water treatment and wastewater management are important processes for protecting water resources and improving environmental health. Effective removal of organic and inorganic substances from wastewater, recycling and disinfection are the final steps in wastewater treatment. With these processes, water is cleaned and recycled in an environmentally friendly way. Our company, engaged in the sale of water filters, contributes to the assessment of wastewater by providing the most modern solutions in the processes of polishing, reuse and disinfection.

I. Polishing: The Final Water Control Step

1. Particle removal: The polishing process removes the fine particles still present in the water.

2. Phosphorus and Nitrogen Reduction: Polishing helps to reduce harmful components like phosphorus and nitrogen in the water.

II. Reuse: Sustainable Water Resources Management

1. Water Reclamation: The reuse process allows the treated water to be reused for irrigation, industrial use and other suitable areas.

2. Water conservation: Reuse helps to consume less fresh water resources and save water.

III. Disinfection: Removal of microorganisms

1. Removal of Microorganisms: Disinfection process kills or inactivates harmful microorganisms in the water.

2. Healthy Water Supply: Disinfection is an important step to improve drinking water quality and protect public health.

IV. Various Areas of Use

1. Municipalities and Water Treatment Plants: Polishing, reuse and disinfection processes are widely used in municipal wastewater treatment plants and water treatment plants.

2. Industrial Facilities: These processes are necessary in evaluating wastewater in industrial facilities such as factories, power plants, and food processing facilities.

3. Agriculture and Agricultural Enterprises: The reuse process is used to provide irrigation water in agricultural areas.

Polishing, reuse and disinfection processes are the final steps in wastewater treatment and ensure that the water is effectively treated and recycled. Our company contributes to the management of sustainable water resources by providing our customers with high-performance polishing, reuse and disinfection systems. By emphasizing the importance of wastewater assessment processes, you can contribute to the protection of water resources and sustainability with more efficient and environmentally friendly solutions in water treatment and environmental protection. Purify the water with these processes