8 myths about chlorine dioxide

8 myths about chlorine dioxide

In response to countless inquiries about the use of chlorine dioxide in growing plants, we have compiled a list of the 8 most popular myths about this substance for horticulture. Years of scientific research in greenhouses have proven the unique effectiveness of chlorine dioxide in cleaning irrigation systems and surfaces from bifilm, algae, bacteria and fungi.

1. "Chlorine dioxide has not been sufficiently studied for use in horticulture and horticulture."

Chlorine dioxide has been repeatedly studied in laboratories, tested in practice, and scientific summaries have been drawn up confirming the unique characteristics of this product. Obtaining NSF certification indicates that chlorine dioxide products have been accurately tested in independent laboratories for their effectiveness against the most common pathogens. In addition, successful field trials of the chlorine dioxide product as a bactericidal, virucidal, algicidal and fungicidal agent were conducted outside the laboratory. Finally, one reputable commercial greenhouse worked with this product for five years to develop protocols and application regulations specifically for pathogen control, biofilm and algae control. Research continues to improve plant health by utilizing the properties of this effective oxidant.

2. "Manufacturers do not use the product"

Taking advantage of the unique properties of chlorine dioxide, more and more producers are using chlorine dioxide products to solve problems that traditional means of greenhouse farming cannot solve. Arber Greenhouses Ltd, Gutknecht. Orticola Bassi, Griffin Greenhouse & Nursery Supplies and many other producers in Europe and the United States are interested in obtaining the product, reducing the damage caused by biofilm, algae, bacteria and fungi, and improving the production conditions of agricultural crops in the greenhouse.

3. "The product is phytotoxic, it will burn and kill my plants"

Almost all algicides can kill plants when used in high concentrations. However, one of the advantages of chlorine dioxide, which is used to purify drinking water around the world, is that it is effective at low concentrations. Extensive scientific research conducted in greenhouses over five years has shown that drip irrigation systems will be kept free of bifilm and algae when the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the water is 0.25 - 0.8 mg/l. The soil around the roots will be protected from disease-causing bacteria and fungi, thereby improving plant health and reducing plant loss. Conducted laboratory studies confirm that chlorine dioxide does not harm plants even at concentrations above 50 mg/l.

4. "The crop will destroy beneficial minerals in the soil"

Studies show that in recommended doses, the product does not affect beneficial trace elements in the soil. Unlike other oxidizers, it does not react with them and does not create side products. Chlorine dioxide is also effective over a wide pH range.

5. "It is an aggressive product against materials and equipment"

Experience and laboratory tests show that chlorine dioxide does not exhibit corrosion or other effects on materials and equipment when used continuously and for short periods in recommended doses.

6. "Chlorine dioxide creates dangerous compounds in water"

Patented technology for obtaining chlorine dioxide with a purity of more than 99%, unlike other disinfectants, prevents the formation of various compounds in water. Due to its nature, chlorine dioxide does not hydrolyze in water, it does not form trigalamethanes and other carcinogens.

8. "The cost of the product is more expensive than alternative solutions"

Although it has the same cost compared to disinfection products, chlorine dioxide is a more attractive product because of its valuable properties, reliability and versatility of use. Chlorine dioxide is very effective at killing pathogens at low concentrations, able to penetrate the mucus layers of the biofilm, destroying it and preventing its re-emergence in a way that traditional disinfectants do not.