Technical Sulfuric Acid

Areas of application

The main areas of application of sulfuric acid in water preparation:

Water purification

Sulfonation agents

Regeneration of ion exchange resins



Anhydrous sulfuric acid is a colorless, odorless, oily heavy liquid under normal conditions with a density of 1.9203 g/cm3. Freezes at 10.45°S, boils at 296.2°S. Mixes with water in any proportions. Solid sulfuric acid reacts with almost all metals to form the corresponding salt (sulfate). It oxidizes hydrogen-iodide and partly hydrogen-bromide and turns it into free halogen. When heated, it oxidizes all metals (except gold and platinum).

Sulfuric acid is widely used for ion exchange in cationic resins. Strongly acidic cation exchange resins (resin) are regenerated with sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid. It effectively removes calcium, magnesium and sodium accumulated in resins and replaces them with hydrogen.

The exact concentration of sulfuric acid to be used for regeneration is calculated based on the amount of calcium in the water during the treatment. Because the applied sulfuric acid reacts with the calcium accumulated in the resins and eliminates it as calcium sulfate.

Application time for acidic regeneration (The contact time) approx. It is 30 minutes and the flow value should be 150 liters per 1 m3 of water. (When using sulfuric acid, it is recommended that this regenerator be designed for a high flow rate.)