Chlorine Dioxide


Microbes , fungi , algae and to viruses against Resistant and efficient fight leads _ To dangerous Legionella bacteria against effective being along with one row superior  features in itself concentrates . Chlorine Dioxide Aqua  high concentrated composition at the expense of many slight in dose so in water comprehensive disinfection to carry it is possible . In water easy and without residue solution which is  inorganic _ of anions consisting of is a solution . Usage simple measure pump ( time and volume control ) tool with out be held can 

App fields

Live to the water ready chlorine dioxide dose

To microorganisms and Legionella against Resistant fight
 Smell it remove removal 
CSB/TOC/BOD reduction 

Potassium permanganate of use reduction
 Frekal elimination _ _ removal )
 lipolysis ( of fats breakdown )
Oxidation and hydrolysis with cleaning
You sulphur cleaning
Reduction of potential increase
Even down in dose so high effective influence
 Oxidizing and biocidal effect
Chlorine dioxide Aqua reaction during the pH range between 2-9 which is in the waters chlorine dioxide and other chlorine-oxygen combinations with mixed case is forming . Sulphide , Nitrite etc. _ whom of anions reduction way with maximum oxidation the head gives _ Which that directly _ chlorination during this possible not 
It is biocidal influence Chlorine dioxide extreme already strong disinfection of influence is the result that _  influence strength other  of components participation with is expanded. With Chlorine Dioxide Aqua cleaned of water reduction potential increases . Chlorine dioxide algicidal influence strength wide spectrum herbicide of influence is the result . Bacteria , yeast , algae and each kind of to viruses against it is effective .
Packaging : 30kg, 60kg, 240kg, 1000kg 

Disinfection (PE/PVC- net pipes )


70.0 - 90.0

Disinfection (ZM- network pipes )


70.0 - 90.0

Aerosol disinfection (drinking water tanks)

Liters /m³ to Water


Surface wash of water preparation


30.0 -150.0

Drinking water of tanks shock disinfection


150.0 - 250.0

Swimming pools disinfection
