Systems on ready chassis


 A ready-to-use and easy-to-use chassis-mounted water treatment system for the manufacturing, service and construction sectors is Aqualink's standard modular unit. These systems are designed on the "Plug&Play" principle. Water purification systems of this type are used in the military, construction sites, temporary accommodation areas, oil industry and other areas. The system includes activated pressure water filters, carbon filters, water softener, dosing unit, bag filters, two-stage Reverse Osmosis system, acid reducing unit and control panel.


Work priciple

 Water preparation consists of several stages, such as filtration, softening and demineralization. The entire process is regulated through a central control panel. Such stations should be installed on site. If the user or contractor does not have enough space for water treatment systems, or it is not economically viable to build a new place, then installing these types of ready-made plants may be the optimal and most efficient option for you.