Swimming pool

Swimming pool

  • Aqualink offers solutions for water sports and swimming pools. We specialize in providing water filtration and disinfection to create a safe and comfortable environment for sports and recreation.

    We provide systems and equipment that help maintain the quality of water in swimming pools and other water bodies. Our filtration and disinfection technology helps reduce the risk of waterborne disease and provides clean, clear water.


    We also offer solutions to improve people's lives through water sports. We are working to create innovative systems for training, rehabilitation and fun in the water. Our equipment and technologies enable the creation of unique and interactive water environments that encourage an active lifestyle and enhance the enjoyment of sports and recreation in the water.


    If you need solutions for water filtration and disinfection, as well as innovative approaches to water sports and pools, please contact us. We are ready to help you create a safe, clean and unique water environment for all your needs.


    Aquatic Centers & Swim Schools.

    Water filtration and disinfection solutions for any recreational water application.


    Whether you dog paddle or have an elegant butterfly stroke, aquatic activities are both fun and great for your health. With millions of annual visits to aquatic facilities, it is important that as an industry, we work collectively to ensure a clean and safe environment for bathers and spectators alike. For our team of water quality professionals, having a safe and fun swimming lesson is about improving both air and water quality. A pool shouldn't smell like a pool.

    Competitive Pools.

    Water fit for champions.

    With competitive swimmers spending many hours a week in an indoor pool, it is important that we work together in providing a safe and healthy environment for bathers and spectators alike. In short, an indoor pool shouldn’t smell like an indoor pool. 

    Hotels, Resorts, Spas & Health Clubs.

    A pool shouldn't smell like a pool.
    For the hospitality industry the pool is operationally the most under performing asset of the facility. Down time due to equipment failure is not an option and can leave a lasting impression on guests. With a wide array of disinfection and filtration solutions, Aqualink can help turn one of your largest expenditures into a profitable asset. We have been helping hotels and spas achieve operation excellence by improving water quality, tackling chlorine tolerant pathogens and reducing water and energy consumption. Whether the facility is indoor or outdoor, our filtration and disinfection systems have the quality and strength to excel at year-round high-performance operation

    Residential Pools.
    A better way to disinfect and filter your pool water.

    Water quality is of utmost importance for any residential pool owner. Many of us attribute the color of the pool to how clean it is; nobody likes swimming in a green pool. But ensuring the water is visually clean and clear is only half the battle, you also want to safeguard against recreational waterborne illnesses and chlorine tolerant pathogens. Aqualink has the solutions to create a safe and healthy pool environment that is simple and easy to maintain.

    Water Parks & Splash Pads
    Safe and efficient water treatment.
    Two key elements of any water park are water safety and water savings.  Utilizing the right products and technologies can have a substantial impact on the performance and safety of your water park. Experts in water filtration and disinfection, Aqualink has been providing water parks worldwide with the safest, most efficient, and reliable solutions for over 100 years.

    Zoos & Aquariums.
    Superior and sustainable solutions that facilities can depend on.
    When fish and animals’ lives and well-being are at stake, performance, reliability and environmental awareness are a top priority. Aqualink offers superior and sustainable solutions that facilities can depend on.